OpusMSFS Flight Simulator Interface for

OpusMSFS_Overview  OpusMSFS_User_Guide  OpusMSFS_Getting_Started_Single_PC  OpusMSFS_Getting_Started_Networked_PCs  OpusMSFS_ButtKicker

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Getting Started - Single PC (continued)

General Operation

When the SERVER program is activated it will resume its previous minimized or visible state, and will be displayed in its last known location on the screen. The SERVER program will automatically abort when the sim is shutdown.


Operating System Recommendations

Select the High Performance Power Scheme to ensure optimum performance whilst using the simulator. 


PC Performance

We recommend turning off all virus scanners whilst running the sim since they can have a serious effect on performance.

Disable Windows Defender.   

We recommend turning off all virus scanners whilst running the sim since they can have a serious effect on performance.  

Disable Windows Defender.

Don’t have any internet browser windows open, they decrease performance.

Deleting Window’s CompatTelRunner.exe will also increase performance,

Microsoft try and prevent this overly demanding 'spy' program from being deleted. However, removing it is quite straight forward once you've done it a few times.


Step 1 - Locate the program


Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the C:\Windows\System32 folder, and locate the CompatTelRunner.exe program.


Step 2 - Take ownership


Right click on the program, select Properties then the Security tab. Click on the Advanced option. You will see the program's Owner is set to TrustedInstaller, click on the Change option next to it.


In the 'Enter the object name..' text box type Everyone and click OK. Click OK again to close the Advanced Security dialog.


Now in the CompatTelRunner Properties dialog (Security tab still), click on the Edit button followed by the Add option. Type Everyone in the text box again and click OK.


Finally back in the Properties box, highlight Everyone in the Group list and then tick the Full Control checkbox in the Allow options.


Click Apply and Yes to the prompt.


Click OK twice to close all the dialogs.


Step 3 - Delete it


You should now be able to right click on the CompatTelRunner.exe program and select the Delete option. If not, restart the PC and delete the file. With the program deleted Microsoft can no longer spy on you and gather compatibility telemetry data and more important your PC won’t work at a snails pace while it does.


Just be aware Microsoft will occasionally reinstall its CompatTelRunner program during certain updates.


MSFS Recommendations

Ideally your simulator should be installed on a dedicated SSD or HDD, at the very least try and install your simulator on a different drive to your Addons, this will ensure the simulator runs more smoothly. Avoid installing the simulator in Program Files since this causes permission problems.  

Don’t have an internet  browser window open (or even minimised) when running the sim since it usually has a detrimental effect on the sim’s performance.


Uninstalling OpusFSI

If you wish to uninstall OpusFSI prior to an upgrade then uninstall via Control Panel, Uninstall a Program. Do not delete your OpusMSFS folder (containing your configuration files) or Opus Software folder (containing your licence files).  

Can't uninstall OpusFSI

If you are having problems uninstalling Opus due to a misssing msi or registry corruption then use the following Microsoft utility, https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed

Alternatively if you wish to remove OpusMSFS completely from your system uninstall OpusMSFS via Control Panel, Uninstall a Program. 


FAQ and Troubleshooting

How to Purchase

Follow the link from our home web page or display our downloads page and click on the OpusMSFS link in the Purchase or Reinstall column. Alternatively use this link, OpusMSFS_Flight1_Purchase.exe 

Download the Opus_Flight1_Purchase.exe onto your main 'flying' server (sim) system to purchase the product. 

When you run the purchase file a Flight1 form with 3 buttons will be displayed. If you already have a Flight1 account click button 1 to log in (this is optional and if you get any Flight1 login error messages don't use it). Click on buttons 2 and 3 to fill in your purchase details and then the Purchase button will appear, click on this button to complete purchase.

After purchase, the Opus msi installation file will be unwrapped into c:\Opus Software along with your license key and you will receive an email confirmation of your order. Run the msi to install Opus and follow the instructions in our Getting Started guide.

I can't start my Flight1 downloaded application (it never runs), so I can't purchase the software

You need to make sure Data Execution Protection (DEP) allows the EXE to run. You can check your DEP settings by selecting Control Panel, System and Security, System, System Protection, Advanced tab, Performance Settings, Data Execution Prevention tab. Select "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" option, or try to add the EXE you downloaded to the exception list.

Also, ensure that you have full Administrator access to the computer and you may need to disable any virus scanner or spyware program that is running.

If you still have problems refer to the Flight1 website troubleshooting.  

If all else fails then download it on another computer, make sure it runs, and then move it to your flight sim computer using the Flight1 licence transfer tool.

My payment was not accepted by PayPal

Contact Flight1 for further assistance.

My virus scanner gives me a warning for the Flight1 downloaded application

Unfortunately, one of the most common issues when people can't get software to run is interference from a Virus or Spyware scanner. Although they do good things, in many cases they can interrupt programs you may want to run. If you get an error message that does not appear to be from the downloaded EXE, you need to make sure your virus or spyware scanner is disabled prior to running the EXE. If you are concerned about this, you can scan the file prior to running it, and then after your purchase, if you are prompted to automatically run the setup application, select No, then manually scan the setup application. This is usually extracted right after your purchase is made.
False-Positive reports with software is common.

'The cabinet file is corrupt' error message

If you see the error message,

The cabinet file '_xxx' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package

then it is most probably a corrupted msi file so just download it again. If you are using Chrome then try another browser.

I can't download Opus (signature is invalid or corrupt)

If you get a warning the signature is invalid then right click on the msi and select Run Anyway.

If you see the following screen then click on the More info button to run the software. Next select Run Anyway.

Using Windows Explorer navigate to the location of the downloaded file and run the software. If you have a problem running the software then right click on the file and click “Unblock" or follow one of the other methods in Can't run the msi in Windows.

Internet Explorer seems to be the most reliable browser for downloads. Try downloading on a different computer if possible. If you are downloading the purchase file on another computer, make sure it runs, and then move it to your flight sim computer using the Flight1 licence transfer tool.

If you are having problems downloading then make sure your anti-virus software is disabled, anti-virus software may also delete our software after it has been downloaded or installed unless you make the Opus exe programs  trusted applications.

'There is a problem with the windows installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run... ' error message

The installer doesn't have permissions to access the folder C:\Users\<name>\AppData\Local\Temp. 

Go to Properties > Security on the folder and give Everyone the Full control permission.

Can't run the msi in Windows

1. Turn UAC OFF.

2. Run the Command Prompt in Admin Mode (not the same as you being an Admin user).

3. Type: bcdedit /set testsigning off

4. Reboot. Windows will power up in a test mode and will allow you to run any msi file.

5. Install the msi file. After installing the software ...

6. Run the Command Prompt in Admin Mode (not the same as you being an Admin user).

7. Type: bcdedit /set testsigning on

8. Reboot

 After rebooting you should still be able to run msi files but may need to answer 'More Info' and 'Yes' to a Windows 10 user query.

System.TypeInitialisationException error

You need .NET version 4.7.2 and SimConnect (for Live View) to be installed for OpusMSFS and its SimConnect links to work.

You can check what versions of .NET you have installed in Control Panel by selecting Settings, System, Apps and features, then search for .NET and a list of installed versions will be displayed. For older operating systems you can check what versions of .NET you have installed by checking your c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework or Framework64 folders. You should see a v4.0.xxxxx folder.

In the case of SimConnect, first make sure you have installed the sim, SimConnect is installed automatically with it. If you have mislaid or corrupted your SimConnect then you can try re-installing it. 

SlimDX error

You must ensure the FSISERVER program ...

Is starting in the correct c:\OpusMSFS folder.

Has permissions to copy and rename the SlimDX DLL file.

Is able to copy the current SlimDX DLL, it's not locked or write protected.

Is not blocked by AV or Win Defender software.


Otherwise its attempt to copy and rename the SlimDX file will fail. You may also need to install the SlimDX dotNet runtime using our supplied msi file in the OpusMSFS folder.

Opus won't run or aborts

If Opus won't run or immediately aborts then make sure it is installed in the OpusMSFS folder in the root directory and not a sub-folder of the drive. Otherwise reboot your PC, this problem may be due to a windows update which needs a reboot of your PC. 

OpusFSI won't run in Windows 10 
If you have allowed OpusMSFS through the firewall, have run as Administrator, and the software still won't run on Windows10 then run both the Microsoft vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe VC redistribution packages located in the OpusMSFS folder. For new Windows10 builds you may need to download and install the older 2013 C++ Redistribution packs (vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe) from the ‘Other Downloads’ section of our Downloads webpage http://www.opussoftware.co.uk/opusfsi/downloads.htm.

When I install and run the SERVER it runs in demonstration mode

You must install the Flight1 purchase file on your C drive. You can move the msi to another location but must leave the OpusMSFS and/or OpusFSI licence and key files on drive C in the C:\Opus Software folder.

Opus can only be installed on one drive in one folder. Uninstall any old versions of OpusMSFS using Control Panel, Uninstall a Program. Do not delete your OpusMSFS folder though since your configuration (DAT and CMD) files are stored there, assuming you want to keep them.  

Check your OpusMSFS\FSISERVER.log for errors. 

If your Name and Order Number are blank in the Spy window then your licence file cannot be accessed due to either file permission problems or a corrupt licence file.

If you try and edit the licence file it will become corrupt, you should not open the licence file. If this has happened download and reinstall the Purchase OpusMSFS file. Refer to Reinstalling Opus on a new or reformatted PC.

Your system will require a valid OpusFSI licence, internet access and the computer clock must have the correct time.  

Spy Error Messages

Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

This usually does not indicate a serious error, it usually means the sim is not running and hence, the software cannot connect to SimConnect. If you are running the sim it could mean you do not have SimConnect installed, or SimConnect is not functioning correctly.

You must have MSFS (or P3D/FSX if using OpusFSI_v6/5) installed on the main 'flying' server and MSFS (or P3D/FSX if using OpusFSI_v6/5) on each client computer system. You should also install the same scenery and aircraft addon packages. The aircraft addon packages need only be installed however if you want to use external 'aircraft' views on the client system. If this happens to be one particular client PC or laptop then install the aircraft addon just on that machine.

Note, you do not need to run the sim if you just wish to test the network connections or set up the SERVER and CLIENT programs.

Opus stops working

Make sure you only have one copy of Opus installed in Windows Control Panel using the Uninstall Programs option (not some Cleaner type package). 
All the FS... EXE and DLL files in the OpusMSFS folder should have the same date, if they don't then uninstall Opus and reinstall.
The software looks for the licence and key files on drive C in your c:\Opus Software folder. 
Don't install Opus in the Opus Software, sim, or Program Files folders, and don't install in more than one folder on your PC.

MSFS freezes or my aircraft will not move

The problem is caused by running both the Opus SERVER and CLIENT programs on the same PC. If you have a standalone system you must only run the SERVER program, do not run the client program that will freeze your sim (it is only intended to be run on networked client machines).

Reinstalling OpusFSI on a new or reformatted PC

Download and run the Purchase OpusMSFS file.


Reinstall using your Flight1 account, you will need your email and account password. You can request your account password from Flight1 if you have forgotten it. If you don't have a Flight1 account then you can create one.

If you still can't reinstall then
request a new key file from Flight1.

You may install the software onto any drive provided its folder name is OpusMSFS with the exception that you must not install OpusFSI in the Opus Software, Prepar3D or Program Files folders, and don't install in more than one folder on your PC.

You may install the software onto any drive provided its folder name is OpusMSFS with the exception that you must not install OpusMSFS in the Opus Software, Prepar3D or Program Files folders, and don't install in more than one folder on your PC.

For new Windows10 builds you may need to download and install the older 2013 C++ Redistribution packs (vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe) from the ‘Other Downloads’ section of our Downloads webpage http://www.opussoftware.co.uk/opusfsi/downloads.htm.

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